University Journal of Research (UJR)

Online ISSN: 2455-1724

(A Bi-Annual, Peer-reviewed Research Journal of Ganpat University)

The “University Journal of Research” is a Bi-Annual, Peer-Reviewed, Online/Print Multidisciplinary Research Journal for Researchers, Research Scholars, Scientists, Faculty Members, PG Scholars, Industry People involved in Engineering & Technology, Management, Pharmacy, Computer Applications, Science, Social Sciences and Humanities, etc.  which will publish original Research Articles and Thesis Analysis. 

We are cordially invited to Faculty Members/PG Students/Research Scholars to contribute their research work in the form of research papers to University Journal of Research (UJR). 

Author(s) are requested to prepare their manuscript as per the paper format (paper template) of UJR and submit online.

Subjects Covered:

“University Journal of Research" (UJR) will cover all the branches and sub-branches as well as all topics under Engineering & Technology, Management, Pharmacy, Computer Applications, Science, Social Sciences and Humanities, etc. 

 UJR Features:

  1. All published papers will be an open accessible content (PDF format).
  2. No processing charges for publication of research papers.
  3. A global list of esteemed academic journal reviewers networked through GNU Publication.
  4. The Hard copy of the journal will be provided to all authors of published article.

Feel free to contact us if you have any queries:

University Journal of Research
Ganpat University, Ganpat Vidyanagar-384002